Knoxville Mayor's Roundtable on Homelessness
Knox Community Dashboard on Homelessness

Housed Since 2020

Knox Providers, THANK YOU. Your work is changing lives.

Last Known Permanent Address

Daily Averages by Housing Status

Stably Housed
At Risk
Unknown (Meals/Services Only)

Housing Trends

Why Housing Data? Click here to collapse

According to Homelessness is a Housing Problem, which we can't recommend highly enough, the reason some cities have more homelessness than others isn't about individual vulnerabilities. Cities with higher levels of homelessness don't generally have higher rates of drug use or mental illness, and most communities with higher poverty rates actually have lower levels of homelessness. Instead, when comparing one city to another, the root causes of homelessness almost always come down to housing. In particular, as a rule, U.S. cities are more likely to have high rates of homelessness when their inhabitants face two things: higher rent and fewer available rentals.

We look at those factors here. Median rent compares monthly rental costs between Knoxville, Tennessee, and the United States. Likewise, occupancy rates highlight how “tight” the Knoxville market is compared with state and national trends: the higher the rate, the fewer rental units are available to those in search of housing. It's a salient fact: Knoxville saw the greatest rent growth in the country in 2022.

As we speak, the City of Knoxville and Knox County, along with local nonprofits and private developers, are actively working to increase housing stock in our community. In our view, such developments can't come soon enough. We at KnoxHMIS humbly ask all Knox readers to remember this urgent need for affordable housing – and for all types of housing – when new development is considered in your own neighborhoods. We'll vow to do the same.

NOTE: If you're pressed for time, this 15-minute talk offers a good summary of the themes in the book mentioned above. And please stay tuned for far more thorough and compelling housing data through the City of Knoxville's forthcoming Evictions Dashboard. We'll share a link here when that's live. Many thanks to Carter Hall at the City and Hancen Sale at East Tennessee Realtors for their insights on housing data.

Average Knox County rent has nearly doubled since 2017, outpacing both the US and Tennessee.

Average Rent
The Knox County housing market has tightened considerably since 2019.

Occupancy Rate

System Performance Measures

Key Performance Indicators
Each year, communities across the country use HMIS data to assess the status of homelessness and homeless services through a set of key measures known as System Performance Measures. Here we track six. Click any measure below to see trends over time.

Median Time Homeless

First Time Homeless

Successful Exits

Median Shelter Stay (ES/TH)

Returns to Homelessness

Permanent Housing Retention

SPM Summary Text

Time Homeless reflects how long individuals in Emergency Shelter, Transitional Housing, or Rapid Rehousing programs have been homeless by measuring the median time elapsed since their first day of homelessness, per their self-report. In this way we combine time not only in shelter but also time in unsheltered situations such as encampments, under bridges, or in cars.

Precipitating Events: What Led to Your Homelessness

Filter by Subpopulation
Counts (All)
HOVER over donut chart to see how often each cause is reported.

Annual Counts (All)
Click causes to select/deselect


Filter by Subpopulation
Average Count (All)

Each day on average,

were being served during the year.

New/Returning (All)
Race (All)

Ethnicity (All)
Averages Trends (All)

Household Status (All)

Gender (All)

Age (All)

DV (All)



Disability (All)

% Clients Enrolled (All)

Days Enrolled (All)

System Inflow/Outflow

(Entering Homeless / Exiting Housed)
In , for every people who became homeless, exited the system housed.

Bed Utilization by Program Type

Emergency Shelter (Total Bed Capacity: )

Transitional Housing (Total Bed Capacity: )

Permanent Housing (Total Bed Capacity: )


For every people leaving the system in , roughly remained.


Housing Status at System Exit

Annual Report

KnoxHMIS provides an annual report detailing the state of homelessness in the community. Reports are available to download by following the link below.

More info

East Tennessee 211

One of the easiest ways to find out more about services for someone experiencing homelessness is by dialing 211, Tennessee’s community services help line.

East Tennessee 211 Knoxville 311


Subpop Reports

KnoxHMIS provides reports on unique subpopulations experiencing homelessness. These reports provide specific information not included in this dashboard.

More info

Contact Us

If you have questions or comments concerning this dashboard or homelessness in Knoxville, please contact Mike Dunthorn: